Wednesday 16 June 2010

my feelings toward her..

Who has changed my world?
it's been always you,
no directions, day or night,
as I look at the sky, I always think of you..
wondering if you have the same feeling as I do for you,
once we said, we have a dream,
waiting for that day, when we make that dream come true..
I gazed at stars, shouting loudly in my heart,
wishing that, you will appear before my eyes,
you are the one who fills up the emptiness in my heart..
you are the one, whom my piano plays tribute to,
your name fills up my diary,
to find out that there is another day for me..
and this is all my confession of my feelings toward you..


my 5th poem to her

I remember our promise,
the happy promise for our whole life,
with a pinkie swear,
who lives so far

Our love means forever,
since I hijacked your heart,
it can't be broken,
even with a powerful force

My feelings are lifted up,
resonating on the farest side,
in the earth's atmosphere,
along with meteor shower

Nature knows us,
mountains tremble when we hug,
together with birds,
they tell our stories to every couple

Under this starry night,
I swear to God in heaven,
Love means nothing,
Without having you in my side..


my 4th poem to her

Living in a colourful life,
it turns grayscale without you,
you gave me light,
which can't be found anywhere

I'm your heart and you're my heart,
linking strongly each other,
with unbreakable love chains,
it won't be depart for all of our lifetime

Everyday I pass the same road,
I look the same landscape surroundings,
I see the same girl in my head,
greets me with a true smile every morning

The best part of me is always you,
vibrating on a love rhyme,
surpassing the world unseen,
exploring the celestial galaxy

Billions of stars dancing in the sky,
moonlight shines the sleepy night,
unlimited words are coming from my heart,
a mouth can't utter my words

Can't find such a word,
which can express my feeling,
It's all about more than words,
to show that my love is true to you..


my 3rd poem to her

I woke up this morning,
the shining sun greets me,
and I heard your whisper in my ears,
calling my name tenderly

The warmness from sun reminds me,
as you're the sun, and I'm the sunflower,
the sunflower, can't live without the sun,
it brightens the sunflower, all days of life

Feeling the air in the flower pastures,
imagining your bluest eyes,
seeking through my deepest heart,
your eyes, are sapphires among rubies

You're a drug in my life,
satisfy me in my every little time,
giving me tremendous happiness when overdose,
and frigthen me when I'm lack of dose

Come near me,
lift my burden,
give me love,
and I'll give you my love forever..


my 2nd poem to her

every night,
I see my beloved Angel in my heart,
I see her appearance living in me

every night,
your smile, give me happiness,
your laugh, vanish my worries

every night,
Clock keep ticking beside my bed,
reminding every little time we had together

every night,
my heart keep shouting for you,
waiting for you from my deepest loneliness

every night,
I pray to my Father in heaven,
hoping for one heart that can't be separated

every night,
I can't end my day without saying,
Good night, I love you..


my first poem to her

My life is a piano, your words are the notes,
you created the best of symphonies for me,
for you I play my life as a piano

I hear the notes, as your words come out through your lips,
a beautiful notes, is what I hear,
my heart is beating so fast

What is a piano, without notes??
It's like a music, without a rhytm,
It's like a soul, without a desire

laying alone in my sleepy bed,
waiting for you, to light my spark,
waiting for you, to light my spirit

for we have made our songs together,
I play a song of our heart,
a song of two souls that will never depart..


Thursday 10 June 2010

me and her part1

short introduction, before I keep typing and nothing can't stop me *cough* lol
You all can call me Mr.LAN, from a country somewhere in Asia :D I'm 17, goin 18 this September 2010. My girl is American, she is 14, her birthday is August 2nd..tee hee

Another happy day in my life, it's Thursday, which is the first day I write my diary in a blog :P I plan to swim this morning with my friend and my brotha, but it's cancelled due to late wake up.. lol
*sigh* it's been two months I'm in a relationship with her.. The last day I heard her voice, was on Monday I guess..I talked to my sweetheart, my beloved one, the other side of my heart.. Glad I met her, she is my type and she is unique. I saw her different from the other. Thanks God, you sent me an Angel in my life, thank you for your merciful kindness.. :DD
Umm, sometimes, I feel she didn't love me. I keep asking and answering in my brain like insane, hahahah.. Maybe it's just my negative mind, don't let negative mind control urself :) For me, it's really fine if she didn't love me. Loving her with all of my heart is really meaningful happiness to me..
Everyday at night time, I wait for her in front of my computer like I'm waiting for a flying sheep will fly above me and say "BAAAA, see me?! Flying sheep does exist!" lol, I can't imagine if it's really happens.. but I guess that's a bit too much =D
I'm doing a long distance relationship with her, we met in an online game and we haven't meet each other face to face.. Only via Skype and internet calls, thanks Skype corp, I owe you so much..mwahahahah *evil laugh*.. Okay, enough with evil laugh, continue to what I'm typing on this blog.. :)
So, um I never met her before, and I hope I will meet her 2-3 years later from now, so it will be year of 2012 or 2013, I'll be working extremely to pay all the cost by myself without ask my both lovely parents.. they can fly me to America easily, but I really want to fly myself to America with my own.. cause you know, travelling there is not cheap :P